
SINCE 2024

Win Every Case! The Complete Ace Attorney Walkthrough

Ace Attorney Walkthrough

Mention the episodic nature of the games with distinct cases.

The episodic nature of the games, with distinct cases, allows for a more focused and immersive experience. Each case presents its own unique set of challenges and mysteries, allowing players to delve deeply into the storyline and uncover the truth behind the crime. The episodic format also enables developers to release new content regularly, keeping players engaged and providing a constant stream of fresh challenges.

Highlight the importance of evidence collection and witness testimonies during investigations.

Evidence collection and witness testimonies are crucial during investigations as they provide the foundation for building a strong case. Physical evidence, such as DNA, fingerprints, and weapons, can directly link a suspect to the crime and corroborate witness accounts. Witness testimonies offer firsthand perspectives on the events leading up to and during the crime, providing valuable insights and potential leads. By carefully gathering and analysing evidence, investigators can piece together a comprehensive picture of the crime, identify inconsistencies, and determine the most likely sequence of events.

The collection of evidence should be meticulous and thorough, ensuring that all relevant items are preserved and documented. Witness testimonies should be taken promptly and accurately, capturing the witness’s recollection while it is still fresh. Investigators must also assess the credibility of witnesses and corroborate their statements with other evidence to ensure the reliability of the information.

Walkthrough Structure (by Case)

The walkthrough structure, organised by case, provides a clear and logical progression through the game’s storyline. Each case represents a distinct investigation, with its own unique set of challenges and mysteries. Players are guided through each case in a structured manner, ensuring that they have all the necessary information and tools to progress the investigation.

Within each case, the walkthrough provides detailed instructions on how to collect evidence, interview witnesses, and solve puzzles. Players are guided through each step of the investigation process, ensuring that they do not miss any crucial details or overlook potential leads. The walkthrough also includes tips and strategies for overcoming obstacles and completing the case successfully.

By following the walkthrough structure, players can progress through the game at their own pace, while ensuring that they do not miss any important plot points or gameplay elements. The structured approach also helps players to stay organised and focused on the task at hand, ultimately leading to a more enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience.

Divide the walkthrough by each case within the chosen Ace Attorney game.

Dividing the walkthrough by each case within the chosen Ace Attorney Walkthrough game allows players to easily navigate and focus on specific investigations. Each case presents a unique storyline and set of challenges, and by separating the walkthrough into individual cases, players can more easily find the information they need without having to sift through unrelated content.

Organising the walkthrough by case also helps players to stay on track and avoid spoilers for later cases. Players can choose to complete the cases in order or skip ahead to a specific case that they are interested in. The modular structure of the walkthrough allows for flexibility and customisation, enabling players to tailor their gameplay experience to their own preferences.

Furthermore, dividing the walkthrough by case makes it easier for players to find specific information or guidance when needed. If players get stuck on a particular puzzle or encounter a difficult witness, they can quickly refer to the relevant section of the walkthrough for assistance. This structured approach streamlines the gameplay experience and ensures that players can make the most of their time with the game.

Each case section should include subsections for:

Each case section should include subsections for the following:

  • Case Overview: A brief summary of the case, including the основных деталей and the main objectives.
  • Investigation: A detailed walkthrough of the investigation process, including instructions on how to collect evidence, interview witnesses, and solve puzzles.
  • Trial: A step-by-step guide to the trial proceedings, including tips on how to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and deliver a closing argument.
  • Bonus Content: Any additional content related to the case, such as character profiles, concept art, or behind-the-scenes information.

By dividing each case section into these subsections, the walkthrough becomes more organised and easier to navigate. Players can quickly find the information they need without having to read through unnecessary content. The subsections also provide a clear structure for the walkthrough, ensuring that players can easily follow the progression of each case.


The Investigation section of each case walkthrough provides a detailed guide to the investigation process, including instructions on how to:

  • Examine the crime scene: Carefully observe the crime sceneand interact with any objects or people present.
  • Collect evidence: Gather all relevant evidence, including physical evidence, witness testimonies, and documents.
  • Interview witnesses: Question witnesses to obtain information about the crime and the suspects.
  • Solve puzzles: Use logic and deduction to solve puzzles that hinder the investigation.
  • Present evidence: Present evidence to witnesses and suspects to uncover inconsistencies and gather more information.

The Investigation section is crucial for building a strong case and identifying the true culprit. By following the walkthrough’s instructions, players can ensure that they do not miss any important clues or oversights that could jeopardise their chances of success in court.

Guide the player through key locations to explore.

The walkthrough should guide the player through key locations to explore, providing detailed instructions on how to navigate each location and interact with important objects and characters. This section should include:

  • A map of the location: A clear and concise map of the location, highlighting key areas and points of interest.
  • Descriptions of each location: Detailed descriptions of each location, including its layout,雰囲気、 and any important features.
  • Instructions on how to interact with objects and characters: Step-by-step instructions on how to interact with objects and characters in the location, including how to examine objects, talk to characters, and solve puzzles.
  • Tips and strategies: Helpful tips and strategies for exploring the location and completing any challenges or puzzles that may arise.

By providing a comprehensive guide to key locations, the walkthrough ensures that players can fully explore the game world, uncover hidden secrets, and progress through the story without missing any important details.

Mention important characters to talk to and information to gather.

The walkthrough should mention important characters to talk to and information to gather, providing guidance on how to approach conversations and obtain crucial details. This section should include:

  • Descriptions of important characters: Brief descriptions of important characters, including their roles, motivations, and relationships to the case.
  • Tips on how to approach conversations: Advice on how to initiate conversations, build rapport, and ask the right questions to elicit valuable information.
  • Specific information to gather: A list of specific information that the player should aim to gather from each character, such as their alibi, knowledge of the victim, or involvement in the crime.
  • Potential pitfalls and challenges: Warnings about potential pitfalls or challenges that the player may encounter during conversations, such as hostile witnesses or misleading information.

By providing this information, the walkthrough helps players to make the most of their interactions with characters, gather essential information, and build a strong case for their client.

Briefly note any puzzles or challenges to solve.

The walkthrough should briefly note any puzzles or challenges that the player may encounter, providing hints and guidance on how to solve them. This section should include:

  • Descriptions of puzzles and challenges: Clear and concise descriptions of the puzzles and challenges that the player may face, including their objectives and any special mechanics involved.
  • Hints and strategies: Helpful hints and strategies for solving the puzzles and challenges, without giving away the solution outright.
  • Potential pitfalls and roadblocks: Warnings about potential pitfalls or roadblocks that the player may encounter while solving the puzzles and challenges.
  • Alternative solutions: If applicable, mention any alternative solutions or approaches to the puzzles and challenges, allowing players to explore different options.

By providing this information, the walkthrough helps players to overcome obstacles, progress through the game, and enjoy a more rewarding experience.


The Trial section of each case walkthrough provides a comprehensive guide to the courtroom proceedings, including instructions on how to:

  • Present evidence: Introduce evidence into the trial to supportyour case and refute the prosecution’s arguments.
  • Cross-examine witnesses: Question witnesses to expose inconsistencies, uncover hidden information, and discredit their testimony.
  • Deliver a closing argument: Summarize the evidence and arguments, and persuade the juryto reach a verdict in your favor.
  • Respond to objections: Handle objections raised by the prosecution and the judge, and defend the admissibility of your evidence and arguments.
  • Manage the jury: Pay attention to the jury’s reactions and tailor your presentation accordingly to increase your chances of a favorable verdict.

The Trial section is crucial for securing a successful outcome in court. By following the walkthrough’s instructions, players can build a strong case, effectively cross-examine witnesses, and deliver a persuasive closing argument that will convince the jury to rule in their favor.

Explain the objective: presenting evidence and proving your client’s innocence.

The primary objective of the trial is to present evidence and prove your client’s innocence. To achieve this, you must:

  • Carefully examine the evidence: Analyze all evidence thoroughly to determine its relevance and significance.
  • Identify inconsistencies and weaknesses: Scrutinize the prosecution’s case and identify any inconsistencies or weaknesses in their arguments.
  • Build a strong defense: Construct a compelling defense based on the evidence and your client’s alibi and testimony.
  • Present a persuasive case: Present your evidence and arguments in a clear and concise manner, highlighting the strengths of your case and refuting the prosecution’s claims.
  • Cross-examine witnesses effectively: Question witnesses strategically to expose inconsistencies, uncover hidden information, and discredit their testimony.
  • Deliver a powerful closing argument: Summarize the evidence and arguments, and persuade the jury to reach a verdict of not guilty.

By fulfilling these objectives, you can effectively defend your client, cast doubt on the prosecution’s case, and secure a just verdict.

Guide the player on how to use the Court Record to present evidence and counter the prosecution’s arguments.

The Court Record is a vital tool for presenting evidence and countering the prosecution’s arguments. To use it effectively:

  • Organize your evidence: Keep your evidence organized and easily accessible within the Court Record.
  • Find relevant evidence quickly: Use the search function or filters to locate specific pieces of evidence when needed.
  • Present evidence strategically: Choose the right moments to present your evidence to maximize its impact.
  • Refute the prosecution’s claims: Use evidence to directly contradict or undermine the prosecution’s arguments.
  • Support your client’s alibi: Present evidence that supports your client’s alibi and casts doubt on the prosecution’s timeline.
  • Impeach witnesses: Use evidence to discredit witnesses and weaken their testimony.
  • Control the flow of the trial: Use the Court Record to control the pace and direction of the trial.

By mastering the use of the Court Record, you can effectively present your case, challenge the prosecution, and secure a favorable verdict for your client.

Briefly describe key witness testimonies and how to expose contradictions using your evidence.

Exposing Contradictions in Witness Testimonies to expose contradictions in witness testimonies, follow these steps:

  • Carefully review witness statements: Analyze witness statements thoroughly to identify potential inconsistencies.
  • Compare testimonies with other evidence: Cross-reference witness testimonies with other evidence, such as physical evidence, documents, or other witness statements.
  • Look for inconsistencies: Identify any discrepancies between witness statements and other evidence, or between different parts of a witness’s own testimony.
  • Prepare your cross-examination: Develop a strategy for cross-examination based on the identified inconsistencies.
  • Confront witnesses with evidence: Present evidence during cross-examination to directly contradict or undermine witness testimony.
  • Impeach witnesses: Use evidence to discredit witnesses and weaken their credibility.

By exposing contradictions in witness testimonies, you can cast doubt on the prosecution’s case and strengthen your defense.

(Optional) Tips:

Tips for a Successful Defense

  • Preparation is key: Thoroughly prepare for trial by reviewing the evidence, identifying potential weaknesses in the prosecution’s case, and developing a strong defense strategy.
  • Control the narrative: Present your case in a clear and compelling manner, highlighting the strengths of your defense and refuting the prosecution’s arguments.
  • Be persuasive: Use evidence and logical reasoning to persuadethe jury of your client’s innocence.
  • Stay calm under pressure: Maintain your composure during the trial, even when facing objections or challenges from the prosecution.
  • Don’t be afraid to object: Object to inadmissible evidence or improper questioning to protect your client’s rights.
  • Work with your client: Collaborate with your client to gather information, prepare for testimony, and ensure their understanding of the legal process.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of securing a favorable verdict for your client.

Offer additional strategies or advice for particularly difficult parts of the case.

Strategies for Difficult Parts of the Case When faced with particularly difficult parts of the case, consider these strategies:

  • Break down complex issues: Divide complex legal concepts or evidence into smaller, more manageable parts.
  • Use visual aids: Employ charts, diagrams, or other visual aids to illustrate complex information and make it easier for the jury to understand.
  • Anticipate the prosecution’s arguments: Predict the prosecution’s strategy and prepare counterarguments to refute their claims.
  • Call expert witnesses: Engage experts to provide specialized knowledge and support your case.
  • Use cross-examination effectively: Cross-examine witnesses strategically to expose weaknesses in their testimony and undermine the prosecution’s case.
  • Remain persistent: By implementing these strategies, you can overcome challenges and effectively defend your client in even the most difficult cases.

Encourage the player to enjoy the game’s story and unique courtroom battles.

Beyond the captivating gameplay, immerse yourself in the game’s rich story and thrilling courtroom battles. Each case presents a unique narrative, filled with intriguing characters and thought-provoking dilemmas. Engage with the world, unravel the mysteries, and experience the exhilaration of defending your clients in court.

The courtroom battles are a testament to the game’s exceptional storytelling. Prepare your strategies, present evidence, and engage in intense cross-examinations. Witness the dynamic interplay between characters as you strive to uncover the truth and secure justice. Let the game transport you into a world of legal intrigue and captivating courtroom drama.

So, embrace the journey, enjoy the engrossing story, and revel in the unique courtroom battles that await you. Immerse yourself in the game’s captivating world and experience the thrill of being a master of the courtroom.

Sarah Thompson

Writer & Blogger

Sarah Thompson is an award-winning author known for her captivating storytelling and vivid character development. With a background in psychology, she infuses her narratives with depth and explores complex themes such as identity, human relationships, and the search for meaning. Her writing style is often described as lyrical and immersive, transporting readers into richly imagined worlds that linger long after the final page is turned. 

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